NETCOS - 네트코스
Requiting you with the best technology and services of Netcos.

Recruitment notice

We await the applications of those who wish to share our dream and passion.

How to apply for recruitment on demand

꼭 확인하세요
  • Application form has to be completed accurately based in truth.
  • If any false information is identified, employment may
    be cancelled even after recruitment.
  • Please write the mobile phone number and e-mail address
  • After recording basic personal information, academic
    background and work experience, it can be submitted as a file
    together with the resume and self-introduction letter.
  • Patriots, veterans and the disabled are prioritized
    pursuant to the relevant acts so it must be indicated.
  • There must be no grounds for disqualification in overseas
    traveling and no record of military service evasion.
  • Please note that documents that have been submitted for
    application are not returned in any case
  • In case of recruitment on demand, the qualified candidates
    shall be contacted individually without a separate public announcement.
  • Netcos Co., Ltd respects and protects the personal information
    of the candidates.